Thursday, September 27, 2007

Stephen King Novels Review


Then you have come to the right place. Soon you will be taken to a place where you can get all of King's novels.

But first here are a few reviews of some of King's most recent novels:

The Dark Tower the 7th of a novel series by Stephen King.

This was a great book and written in the usual Stephen King style. I was sorry to close the last page because I knew the stories were finally over for the quest for the Dark Tower. The characters became such a part of me I was sad to see the last of them. You'll enjoy this book.

If you are a Stephen King. Also The Dark Tower Fanatic. You will love this book. I was so glad to finally have the ending to the Dark Tower series. But once I finished with this, I started reading the Gunslinger (6x) again. So I hope you enjoy. I am not saying anything about what the book was about. I will let you know I did cry, I have been reading this series for so long it's like saying goodbye to a old friend. (I am talking about the whole series) So it's hot outside, so find a nice shade & enjoy reading about Roland, Jake, Susannah, Eddie & Oy on their trip to the Dark Tower. Also like I did, just start all over again.

Blaze ( released June/12/2007 )

No one, including King himself, had great expectations for this novel--it was "lost" for over 30 years! King polished it up enough to the point where he wasn't embarrassed by it (he refers to it as a "trunk" novel in his foreward) and released it under Bachman name, as he did with his earliest works that preceded "Carrie." The novel itself is actually quite good, a sort of prequel to the prison novella "The Shawshank Redemption". The book moves along at a slow pace at first, following the exploits of the Forrest Gump-like criminal known as "Blaze". Highly recommended for thriller fans and King fans!

King Penned this book way back in 73 and while it doesn't have the edge of much of his early work, that isn't a bad thing. Blaze is at once a tender tale and a barn burner of a story. That's no small task. Few novels keep you reaching for tissue to wipe both tears from your eyes and sweat from your brow. I won't rehash the plot previous posters have done that well enough. The plot isn't the only feature anyhow the nuanced character of Blaze offers much to any reader of fiction. I've long been an admirer of King's work and this novel only proves that even as a young man King was the best in the book biz!

Lisey's Story (released June/19/2007)

I guess the varied reviews for this book show just how subjective art and literature can be. Because I loooooved this book. I Loved reading it,and loved that feeling of not wanting to put it down and being sorry that it was over. Like many, I am a long term fan of Mr. King, he's been scaring me since I was about 11 years old. I was less excited about some recent stuff, such as Cell, but have never read a book he wrote and not enjoyed it. Lisey's Story, for me, was a transporting experience. I read a lot. I don't ask for much from novels, I am very forgiving. Entertain me a little, and I'm happy. But I'm always on the lookout for the book that consumes me. One of my first experiences with this was Shogun by James Clavell. The Stand by Mr. King was another. Well, it had been a while, but Lisey's Story did that for me. I hated that the book had to end. Anyway, I've never written a review, and don't expect to see it happen again anytime soon, but I had actually scrawled a note on a post-it to chime in with my opinion here, for what it's worth.

The first fifty pages, I thought maybe this book was going to be a dud. It started with zero momentum. The second 50 started to revive my interest. But by the end of the book, I felt that this one one of the author's finest works. Maybe it's the pairing of a more mature author and an experienced reader that allows for a book that does not rush things, that takes it's time and savors the journey. It is a book not confined to single genre. Those wanting only the adrenaline of terror and thrills may be frustrated, but for those who enjoy a well told tale of any kind, it turns out to be a wonderful blend of realtionships, retrospective, interior exploration and, yes, of course, imagination and suspense. To weave such a diverse, wonderful pattern in a single narrative is a high acheivement. Bravo!

Duma Key (due out Jan/22/2008)

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Stephen King Novels